Sunday, July 12, 2015

"Jesus is Lord over Amite"

July 6, 2015

Dear Friends and Family,
   One of the most important things felt and learned, in my young honest opinion, falls into one category. At the end of seemingly endless failure is utter success! No matter how many times we get knocked down, if we aren't dead, we can get back up! Nothing besides the very God of heaven and the (temporary) state of death can stop us. It sounds like I never knew this, like I may have just learned it, and that in reality it's been said so many times before. In relation, How many times do we read the scriptures or hear the prophets voices and not do them with full intent and the utmost love? It's better to have done and never said then to have said and never done. The promises that The Father promises will come to pass for all of us. There is no human that is ever destined to fail. God is more merciful than that, he put within us all the great ability to overcome and succeed, even the cunning serpent had his chance, I am sure of that. 
 We went to a wedding for Albany ward. holla
wanting some cake!
  The last month was hard, it's always hard! It's a mission all about salvation!! That is no easy task, it was an almost impossible task had God himself not come down to sacrifice all. We have 4 new and golden investigators. After searching day after day, biking in heat, praying over and over again. The Elect were found. Who knows if I will see them baptized or if they will ever be, but seeing them find progression and seeing the miracles that led to them, is worth it. One we met months ago, who now asks us what he can do for us rather than our begging and pleading him to try. We have a young boy who is full of light, his grandpa who is searching for the truth and the mercy of Gods true church. Finally we have 3 men who all are open to feel and to search and ponder, so that they might know for themselves.
remember the Landry's? well we had 4th of July dinner there!!!! 
Elder Mcmurry is a funny man 
me, blaylock and abercrombie ha

  The worst of all my humanly weaknesses is most likely in my self-pity, in my lack of confidence and faith. It's true that I am a man of such little faith, but I am not afraid to let you all know. It's hard to get motivated and focus all the time, to keep all things pure and sanctified in my mind. I barely seem to be any kind of servant to the Saviour, but nevertheless' all who work in the vineyard receive that which was promised. I know that going forward is the way of Life that the Saviour provided. That the way of this church and all that it entails is the way to the most sustainable and fullest joy we can obtain. Joseph Smith was the first to have the faith, I certainly don't want to be one of the last. A man came back to church after 6 years of inactivity, mercy has it's claim on all who repent, who return, and who love. Who cares what you've done or who you've been. Becoming is a long road filled with "what will this 'Now' make of me later"!
Write me or email me if you would like, I love you all :) very deeply.
--Elder Joshua Dean Rush

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