Sister McEntire, Sister Stephens, and me
Sad face from Sister McEntire and photobomb
by Elder Smiley
Sad our trio is getting split up
A happy picture
September 23, 2014
Dear friends and family, and other possible readers who don't necessarily fall under those two categories,
I indeed had a good baptism this week, it is my first one in just 12 weeks and she happens to be black (pictures will be provided) I am exceptionally happy that the Lord blesses me with such great progress, but alas it is to short lived. I am being transferred and that is why my p-day was Tuesday this week and not dear Monday, I do not know where I am going yet but
it will take forever to get to me and that will be aggravating. Wait for my new address next week. The best way to avoid heartache is to listen to the Spirit and to remember what the standards are and why we have them, experience life to it's fullest but remember Jesus Christ.
Me, like a month ago, on Elder Hillam's camera getting a ghecko, which is funny because yesterday at the Thompsons, I screamed like a little girl when a frog on the door, as Elder Larkin was opening it, jumped right smack on my face....bleh
Epic Straightaway

The Baptism of Nickie Horton was a wonderful experience but a quick one, we just finalized all the paperwork and finished the interviews and suddenly we were there and I didn't expect to be getting any baptisms anytime soon on my mission, but I guess the Lord has need of one who reaps the fields that are now ready. I didn't actually perform the baptism Nickie asked Elder Larkin to do that, but I did Confirm her in sacrament meeting. Such a sweet uplifting spirit was given in the gift of the Holy Ghost. I just know that She and Chris will make it to the temple and I will be right there when they go through :) Their family has changed and grown so much, it's night and day compared to the beginning lessons. I actually felt special warm feelings in my hands and through my chest when I was confirming her, and I knew that all would be well; and even though I am leaving now I know all will still be well. We saw her through the end and now she has started a new beginning. Chris was excited to be at church again, but unfortunately was having some terrible back pain after sacrament that day so they had to leave, but after General Conference (which they are going to watch, they've informed us) they will be coming regularly. :) It's funny when I think about who I am now and who I was even 4 months ago...I just can't comprehend what has happened, but I feel happy.
Me, Elder Larkin, and Nickie Horton at her Baptism
Sister Pearson was down for a baptism in Amite that day... so hoorah
Saying goodbye is sometimes the hardest thing in the week and yesterday I had to say goodby to a bunch of the ward members who say they are going to miss me, I hope I have done good, sometimes I worry my special personality doesn't always help people as I hope it will. Jag and Josh Gaichette (they live with the Landry's who took us to Don's seafood after Jag's football game last week) are going to miss me as well as their Dad Joe who is not a member and it was really sweet of them to make extra cornbread just for me. Nickie is glad her husband goes to church every week with her whole family including her dad, Brother Landry, and she is thankful for missionaries that have changed her whole life, can't tell you I didn't want to cry when she said that.
Last District Meeting
Sister Plumb, she's new, giving crazy face

I hope I helped the Rayborn's as much as I could, I still feel as if I could have done more, but the Lord's will be done always. I don't know who my new companion will be but I am not worried because I already love him with all my heart. I reflect often about people at home who I have wronged or upset, and I am deeply sorry, I hope I can obtain the glorious gift of your forgiveness. I know that forgiveness is real, and is truly part of my dear Savior's Gospel and is the means by which change is wrought and repentance is had. I can know now that I have Hope for my future and for all of your futures, I look forward to being there for as many of you as will allow me. My heart grows full of forgiveness and love for all of God's children, from here in Louisiana to back in Utah and from one end of the earth to the other end. I helped in doing a 6 Am priesthood endowment session this week, and it somehow was worth waking up at 4:30, even though the previous night we got home way later than 9:00, helping with baptisms for the dead we were with the youth; I got to do some proxy confirmations (practice for Nickie I guess).
the Landry's---Wiley and Marie still in love 50 years later
Gaichette family Joe, Josh(smaller one), Jag (name is actually Jacob who is taller and 12 josh is 9) and Nickie
This is the Bougioux family(yea i may have slaughted that name) they are Jessica Musics parents, she's is married to Matt and they are working on going to the temple.

God will forgive whom he will forgive but for us we must forgive all 70 times 7. Love and genuine Love are two different things, but I have learned how to foster the other, how to have virtue garnish my thoughts unceasingly and thus creating new actions and behaviors in myself I never thought possible. Repentance isn't just asking for remission of sins but it is an active change of heart from the natural man to a Son of God. I don't feel as if I could fail anymore when I am on Jesus Christ's side, and even when I do it is lessened and I am strengthened for it. All the affliction that I see or experience is for my good says the Lord, and so I know that I can be unmovable and steadfast always, that I make my choice to fall or harden my heart, or to lift of my eyes to heaven and praise Him all of my days. I am so very happy and am so very excited to show the change the Savior has wrought on me to my family and everyone back home. I love doing this work and I can see parts of the eternal perspective now, and it is so beautiful and pure, no man could be happier than I for I know that my Redeemer lives and succors me. I have potential to fulfill and through the Spirit and my studies I can gain all my Father hath, there is happiness and hope in this. My faith is UN-wavered and shall continue as such in Jesus Christ's name, Amen.
Elder Joshua Dean Rush
at brother Ribando's, we were fishing and I caught a fish, and then I caught a turtle which we killed and put in an ant hill cause I promised to get Elder Larkin a turtle shell, cause i loved him and I missed an alligator turtle on the road that we passed by when I was driving, so I wanted to make up for it. So the Lord answered my prayer of love.
Yep, I caught dat turtle
sister McEntire readying herself.....with pliers...
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