May 18, 2015
Making Gumbo for Mother's Day
Dear friends and family,
First off, because this letter/email is the only one I write this time in my mission, I had better make it more interesting and more spiritual right? My time is running short and I can only work harder, but I can't stop the time from passing. It no longer seems like a sacrifice, but rather "With an eternal perspective, you can see that giving up the things of the world is really no sacrifice at all. The blessings you receive are greater than anything you ever give up." -True to the Faith.
Gumbo was good! and a nice messy kitchen!

I wish more people would listen, I wish more people would harken unto the spirit, but so has every missionary that has ever labored in the vineyard, all we can do is continue in faith that our labors are not in vain, but rather are "great recompense for reward" -Heb 10:35 because our trial of faith is "more precious than gold" -1 Pet 1:7. It isn't all dark and dreary this week, it has actually been great joy day in and day out, as I reflect, the more I appreciate the time I spend. We tracted for 4 hours one day this week and nothing came of it, every single person, it seems, rejected us, door after door, place after place, but I would have you know that amidst all the annoyance and frustration and boredom and rejection, I came to remember that the Saviour felt the same thing among his brethren. "He came to his own, and his own received him not" - John 1:11. When it becomes painful, seemingly too painful to bare, the scriptures are always there. It is such a simple, easy, well known primary answer, but where else can you find words worth more than the gold they were written on?
Homemade chocolate Twinkies for Mother's Day
As I have been leading this small yet powerful district, I realize that it's not I, but rather the Lord and that they are leading me more than I am them. The benefits of leadership all come through sacrifice and sanctification. I really know now that its only hard because it's worth it. Anything earned that wasn't earned in pain and in work, wasn't truly ever worth it. That is what a mission is. It may seem easy here in the United States, in a fun place with lots of missionaries and good members and food. But the love just isn't there. This is the promised land, so therefore, it follows the same trend it always has. Not only that, but it is the last days. "The love of many shall wax cold indeed." -D&C 45:27. It's a beautiful place and gems can be found.
It's all about hope, faith, love, obedience. That is always what the simplicities of the gospel entails, every doctrine and every law revolves around those attributes of the Saviour. It can be said that this week we had a minister who invited us to help with his troubled youth, to take them out of the dark place they live and offer them life. He trusts us and is also investigating the church, and hopefully we can lift those that seem so far down that they can't be rescued. Everyone can be rescued if enough love is shown. I'm sure of it.
District Meeting in a Bank
It is easy as humans to forget that we are children of God, ever able to be like Him to feel like He feels and to become as He is. It is easy to say, oh yes we are children of God and he loves us and I have faith in him, but when it gets hard and when our faith is tried and we say those things, do we actually apply them and do we do them? Do we become those sons and daughters, full of patience and grace and love, even amidst the waves of pain.
My District, more pics from Mother's Day
Sister Groesbeck and Me
I love our Saviour, this work is true, the true church is THIS church, no evidence against any document, any leader, or any event can disprove what the spirit manifests in peace. Find the spirit and pray and sanctify ourselves as the Master, then when ye shall ask, ye shall receive truth from the spirit, for the spirit is truth.
Your loving son, and true brother -Elder Joshua dean Rush